The Future of Strategy Panel Webinar
Peter Olyslager of PJ Strategy invited as a panellist regarding The Future of Strategy at the World Strategy Week November 3-7, 2014
World Strategy Week brings top strategy thought leaders, executives and professionals from around the world! – See more at:
The call for new approaches to strategy is evident in recent books, which have raised such diverse ideas as the end of competitive advantage, finding uncontested market space, business model innovation, learning through rapid strategy iteration, open leadership, business design and collaborative innovation ”The Future of Strategy” panelists are at the leading edge of strategy approaches and techniques.
They will consider: What successful strategy-making and strategic management will look like in the rapidly approaching future. New approaches to strategy that may be called for. Where this change is heading and what it means for company, non-profit and government leaders responsible for developing and implementing strategies that lead to greater success.
You can learn more and register at Act now to get full value in learning how best to create and execute strategy for greater success!