Wonderful interactive PJ Strategy Master Class given by the VRC. Thanks to the great active group of participants! Maarten van Delst CEO Aviko, Sven Herpers RC Financial Director Paramount, Simon Jan Haijtink CFO RIPE NCC, Jorg Jansen CFO myBrand, Barry Fechter RC Lead Finance KWS, Yin Min Lee RC Director Finance ZPMC, Bastiaan Jansen Financial Director Nedelko, Kees-Jan Groen Financial Director Utrecht University, Tim Fierkens RC EMFC Lead Finance ING, Klaas Veerman Director Business Operations Levvel and Sunny Bechler Region Controller CTH.

Wonderful interactive PJ Strategy Master Class given by the VRC. Thanks to the [...]

2024-11-29T16:34:17+01:0029 November, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

The White Box. Why do companies & organisations face big challenges to implement a (corporate) business strategy? Because companies & organisations have a ”White Box”! The joint strategic exercises and structure in the White Box gives you the insights and approach to solve the strategy implementation challenge with strategic excellence. Enjoy the enclosed video. Youtube link: https://youtu.be/uoHuwmusjHs Please let us know your thoughts. Contact: info@pjstrategy.com

Why do companies & organisations face big challenges to implement a (corporate) business [...]

2025-01-06T14:28:25+01:008 November, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

”Fascinating sessions! Time really flies by!”. Hans Starrenburg, Academy Member PJ Strategy Academy. Another 10 intense sessions completed in the PJ Strategy Academy. The PJ Strategy Academy is an imitation of a Strategic Team Process in practice. Living through innovative and pragmatic strategic exercises, impact of alignment, creating value to the market/environment and playing with the overview.. First strategic excellence, which provides a more natural and better operational excellence. Thanks to the wonderful contribution of the Academy Members: Hans Starrenburg, Erik van Noort, Dedan Schmidt, Ivo Bodenstaff, Marco Holleman and Wim Kater. Of course, thanks also to Jan-Willem Septer, Academy Leader and Arjan Klijn and Jeroen Van Velzen, partners PJ Strategy. We are already preparing for the Academy in September! Interested in this authentic and spicy Academy? More info? Contact the partners or register via info@pjstrategy.com Are you curious about the experiences of other CEOs and directors? See Springest or the testimonials at www.pjstrategy.com

2024-07-15T10:55:09+01:002 July, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

Beautiful, very interactive Master Class from PJ Strategy! The CEO of the Nefco Energy Group (OK Gas, BK Gas and Storage and Trading) shares his experiences with the Strategic Team Process of PJ Strategy. Thanks to all 58 CEOs and board members for the relevant interaction! Of course and especially special thanks to Marc van der Spek, the CEO of the Nefco Energy Group for interacting with the audience and providing clear insight into how a Strategic Team Process works in practice and what the impact is! Also thanks to the PJ Strategy partners Jan-Willem Septer and Arjan Klijn And thanks to Iris den Hoed for the organization and wonderful care at the beautiful location Het Zendstation! We enjoyed it! You too?

2024-06-21T13:34:28+01:0021 June, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

Marc Giard, Lead Strategy & Business Development of Bol.com interviews Peter Olyslager about the White-Box: the gap between the ambitions and/or strategy & the implementation and operation. Why do many companies have difficulties with the implementation and coordination in the operation? – Apple podcasts: https://lnkd.in/eVrvecvy – Spotify: https://lnkd.in/eV3K-zwW https://www.linkedin.com/posts/marc-giard-3256902_strategy-implementation-podcast-activity-7184448999897112576-idqX

Why do many companies have difficulties with the implementation and coordination in the [...]

2024-04-15T13:30:14+01:0015 April, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

”Very fascinating! Never seen anything like this in terms of structure and foundation!” Kris de Schepper, board member of the Nefco Group (OK Gas, BK Gas and Trading). Just completed a beautiful Strategic Team Process with the strategic team of the Nefco Group in the current energy transition to more sustainable & green. Thanks to Marc van der Spek, CEO Nefco Energy, Berry den Ridder, Managing Director OK Gas, Angelique de Gast, Human Resource Manager Nefco Energy, Sietse de Jager, Terminal Manager Nefco Storage & Trading, Marijn van Leur, Logistics Manager, Robert Riphagen, CFO Nefco Energy, Kris De Schepper, Supply & Wholesale Manager Nefco Enegry and Tom Feys, Sales Manager BK Gas.

''Very fascinating! Never seen anything like this in terms of structure and foundation!'' [...]

2024-03-12T11:54:53+01:0012 March, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

Full house and interaction at the Master Class of the PJ Strategy Academy. CEOs and executives from many different sectors were actively present during the Master Class. What is the impact of strategic 3D thinking and acting? Why does this make sense? What is the White Box? Does it then become clear why implementation is so difficult? And what can we do about it?

Full house and interaction at the Master Class of the PJ Strategy Academy. [...]

2024-01-24T11:49:57+01:0024 January, 2024|Geen categorie|0 Comments

Another impressive PJ Strategy Academy completed! Thanks to Renske van der Heide, Change & Innovation director TOPdesk, Wilco Verheij, Sr. Director Sales & Marketing Canon EMEA, Pim den Uyl, Director ICT, Michael van den Berg, Director Consulting Services CGI Nederland, Huib Jan Krasenberg, Managing Director, Arjan Klijn, Director & Owner and Iwan van Bilsen, Strategic Development & Growth Director RICS for the wonderful interaction, impressive McEnroe Innovation presentations, humor and sharpness! We enjoyed it again!

Another impressive PJ Strategy Academy completed! In 10 sessions of 4 hours, 7 [...]

2023-12-20T12:18:18+01:0020 December, 2023|Geen categorie|0 Comments
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