The Dedicon Case

More inclusion for people with a reading disability by taking control and creating many options for business and government.


Dedicon provides equal opportunities for blind, visually impaired, dyslexics and other people with reading disabilities. Dedicon does this by making text and images accessible to them. The activities are largely subsidized by the government.


With the government subsidy, only part of all information can be made accessible. This makes the participation of people with a reading disability more difficult. Dedicon wants to increase the range of accessible text and images.
To what extent can Dedicon use new technology and business?

The PJ Strategy Process and results

In addition to a beautiful vision and mission statement, we have added structure to the internal and external analysis. Complete, evaluated and objectified.
Thanks to the creative methodologies, we have built up 12 strategic options for Dedicon and translated them pragmatically into the organization with regard to how (which methodologies are successful), where (in which directions) and what do we actually do, which function is filled.

We have these options with criteria formulated together and evaluated. As a result, many options scored better than the initial option that Dedicon had in mind. So much more value has been created by the creative methodologies and concretely converted into pragmatic options.

We also included Dedicon in dynamic strategic movement by putting several options synergistically in sequence in a wave strategy. Many companies choose the best strategy. Dedicon has a series of mutually reinforcing options, each of which has a coordinated operational plan, supported by the organization. As a result, Dedicon has a foothold to continuously move in a flexible and focused manner.

Dedicon has a strategic foundation for the coming years. This has enabled Dedicon to make more text and images accessible.
And more importantly, a substantial movement has been mobilized for greater inclusion for the visually impaired.
Dedicon’s internal organization has also been strengthened.

Dedicon logo

‘A very inspiring process! A complete, concrete and robust methodology. Continuously applicable for both “for profit” and “not for profit” companies and organizations. The dialogue and structured process with Peter Olyslager has significantly helped me to make and formulate well-founded strategic choices.
The methodologies stimulate creativity (3D model). Internal and external factors are concretely analyzed and evaluated.
Strategic options are tested, weighted and evaluated from different perspectives.’

Maarten Verboom, Managing Director, Dedicon (not for profit company)