Springest score 9.3 , Read reviews on Springest

“This structured 3D strategy team process was a real eye-opener, and the excellent guidance from Peter and Arjan ensured that the focus on substantive discussions and progress was maintained.

Moreover, this process has contributed to further strengthening the MT as a team!’’

Berry den Ridder, Managing Director, OK Gas (Nefco Energy Group)

“The Academy is very well put together! The 3D team process is the foundation on which the process floats.

Michael van den Berg, Director Consulting Services, CGI

It is an intensive and very instructive course that combines practice and theory in a relaxed way. Creating a 3D strategy is recommended for every company with the help of professionals such as the partners of PJ Strategy.

Iwan van Bilsen, Head Strategic Partnerships, RICS

Beautiful strategic journey with effective analysis and spot on discussions. Absolutely recommended and a good basis for implementing strategic excellence in concrete terms with the MT!

Huib Jan Krasenberg, Executive Director, Agrifirm

This strategic journey was a gift! A different view on strategy formation! The method is challenging and forces you to think carefully about all aspects in a way that leads to beautiful insights. Both structured and practically applicable for teams. Top!

Stefan Kersten, Director E-Commerce & Trade Marketing, Brabantia

”The cooperation/interaction between the 2 men from PJ Strategy, their substantive program and the participants made this a great journey for me! What a fun and educational Academy this was! I have to give a 10!”

Martijn Hanekroot, Managing Director, Avis Budget

“Insightful and interestingly engaging experience that puts your team right in the mix of it. Peter and Arjan did a great job creating an atmosphere that was forward-thinking, competitive, and in that did a tremendous job providing guidance and support throughout the journey. Definitely something to recommend for strategic-thinking and team building.”

Dragan Simic, Director Business Development Xdroid

Completely new doors went open for me! Experience how your current thinking patterns cause you to miss opportunities and possibilities, that’s what The PJ Strategy Academy does with you!”

John Faas, Business Unit Manager at Baars & Bloemhoff

”A great experience that every self-respecting company should allow itself!”

”PJ Strategy has supported and guided us in our search for the right strategy within a very dynamic production environment.

Thanks to the professional support of Peter and Jeroen, we have worked on a clear strategy in a short time. In addition to setting the course, this has directly led to better cooperation within our company!”

Menko Eisma, General Manager, Trumpf Netherlands

‘’Very insightful and educational!’’

“Peter and Jeroen did a masterful job in accommodating discussions while still being able to challenge the status-quo and raising the discussions into the next level of thinking. As a company we have benefitted from going through this process together and having a clear strategic alignment’’.

‘’Our takeaway from these sessions is a clear picture of the strategic goals we hold and the practice of continuously refining our ideas and mindset towards strategy.” 

Leon Halion, Global Group Lead, Trumpf

“PJ Strategy involved me and the other participants in a strategy process with both known and new insights. In particular, the mutual dialogue stimulated reflection and resulted in excellent and instructive strategic discussions. Thanks for sharing your knowledge Peter!”

Arthur van der Meer, Senior Manager Strategy & Organisation, BDO Advisory

“In a word:” Brilliant “! The academy is a fantastic learning experience by showing the participant conceptually what PJStrategy’s vision is on strategy development. Subsequently made applicable by working out case studies and using very appealing practical examples during each session. The academy leaders make it a unique experience because of their applied knowledge and infectious enthusiasm!”

Frank Vehof, Senior Business Controller Corporate Real Estate, ASML

“The PJ Strategy Academy was fantastic to participate. Personal, well-founded, innovative and immediately applicable in practice. In addition to being very valuable, I also really liked it!”

Pierre-Paul Lagache, Key Account Director Allianz Group Netherlands
Ortec Finance

“The PJ Strategy Academy offers a strategic methodology that is as practical as it is thorough for individuals and teams in organisations. The substantive depth in combination with collaborative exercises bring you an immediately applicable strategic thinking and working method. Educational and fun”!

Gerard Franssen, Strategy Advisor Ortec - Academy Member 2019

“I became involved in the first set-up of the PJ Strategy Academy around mid-2013. The Academy is structured and is triggering creativity, has many individual exercises, generates many insights. However the overview of the whole process give the highest value. Great experience”!

Caspar Wijffels, Director Product Management Ericsson - Academy Member 2013

”PJ Strategy Academy is an eyeopener! PJ Strategy Academy provides new insights in the strategy process. The very personal approach and hands-on training exercises make you think through strategy dilemmas and come up with better ideas and actionable plans. A truly valuable experience thanks to Peter Olyslager and Jeroen van Velzen”.

Peter van Leeuwen, Global Head Bankwide Customer Information Services ING - Academy Member 2018

“Exciting and stimulating! The PJ Strategy Academy combines structure and creativity,
with proven methods and authentic approach”.

Eric Dooms, Associate Professor TIAS

“A very inspiring process!

The dialogue and the process with Peter Olyslager helped me significantly to formulate the well-founded strategic choices.

The provided methodology stimulates creativity (3D model). Internal and external factors are analysed and evaluated.

Strategic options are tested, weighed and evaluated from different perspectives.

In short, a complete, concrete and robust method which is permanently applicable for both ‘for profit’ and ‘not for profit’ companies and organisations”.

Maarten Verboom, Managing Director Dedicon (not for profit company)

‘Peter Olyslager has written ”legacy”. More than 3 years ago we started to work with PJ Strategy and we still make use of the insights and especially the strategic fundament created during an excellent partnership for nearly one year. A clear transition has arisen.’

Patrick Muezers, CEO Polyscope (ex-DSM company)

‘Take part in the PJ Strategy Journey!

Discover and learn about WHAT’s driving your customers success!’

The top-4 reasons to choose the PJStrategy Academy according to Aart Labee – Director Strategy & Business Insight at McDonald’s Europe – Academy Member 2015.

”Straight away applicable”

The tools and exercises of the PJ Strategy Academy are applicable in daily business, straight away

”Forces you to think and act out of the box”

The group is forced to think and act differently during the process

”Real life case study”

There’s no better way to learn than dealing with a real business/company case, outside your industry and comfort zone

”Great group dynamics”

Working with a diverse group of fellow-students across different industries is very challenging and triggers you to ‘go the extra mile’

Aart Labee, Director Strategy & Business Insight at McDonald’s Europe - Academy Member 2015

’PJ Strategy stimulates intense discussions and succeeds to get perspectives and idea’s out of the group. The evaluation models of PJ Strategy gave us the needed insights to choose a new direction. This means progress. The PJ process gives much reflection. Step by step we understand that we need to change and innovate into a new direction.’

A. van Oort, COO C-Mol International ICT

”The PJ Strategy Academy has a very complete, robust and creative process”. ”I really enjoyed this academy and it was a pleasure and insightful to work with Jeroen van Velzen and Peter Olyslager”.

Gaby van Otterdijk, Vice President EMEA Gartner – Academy Member 2018

’PJ Strategy enabled us to get into a real strategy process instead of a strategy project. This takes longer, but created the impact needed.

Next to that PJ Strategy could get us into a structural strategic discussion where we created many different strategic growth perspectives we needed to reach our very ambitious objectives.

The strategic structure PJ Strategy anchored in our organisation helps us significantly to reach the strategic efficiency needed.’

Kees Broeren, Process Owner & CSO Polyscope (ex-DSM company)

”Unconventional, pragmatic, enjoyable. It gets the best out of organisations”

Frits Mehrtens, Managing Director and Entrepreneur - Academy Member 2015

’PJ Strategy puts a lot of strategic marketing and logic thinking into the process, but the most valuable for me was the psychological aspect. Finding out our own competences and more important our real interests/passions and why, how and where to be successful was a real eye-opener. Every company and everyone has interesting strengths, but specific skills are needed to apply these into the right direction.’

Guus Mijnlieff, CEO & Founder NHB Financial Services

’The beginning of the process was hard work as PJ Strategy involved our people intensively. But as a result of the structure, strategy knowledge and the bottom-up approach the team process gave us new energy and different opportunities for the coming years. In these challenging economic times we would definitely recommend PJ Strategy.’

J. Dietz, CEO Recruit a Student

”A serious level of strategic skills, knowledge and experience is needed to be successful in this academy, to see the impact at a company through the different thinking and tools”.

”I enjoyed several academies and ended up as an Academy Leader. The academy gives companies a structure to move on, to create more perspectives, to manoeuvre strategically instead of operationally or even opportunistically”.

”Very pragmatic insights how to create impact for a company”.

Andre Amaral Pinto, Head of Global Strategic Marketing Nokia - Academy Member 2014

’PJ Strategy engaged us in a process, put a structure on the conversation, and illuminated insights and opportunities that we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to see. This strategy team process created excellent internal discussions and was exactly what we needed to improve our results in this very competitive market.’

Drs. HWG van den Heuvel, Managing Director OXHILL7

”The PJ Strategy Academy takes you into a pragmatic and creative process enabling a structure and alignment between the Academy Members as they are the real strategy team of a potential client”.

”It was deeply insightful and very enjoyable to be part of a group of international, very experienced partners and to be guided by Peter Olyslager in this Academy”.

Marcel Douven, Entrepreneur/Zuyd University of Applied Sciences - Academy Member 2014

”The PJ Strategy Academy gave me, next to strategic business skills, knowledge and overview, most of all an impressive structure very much needed for me, but a must for many companies”.

”We had a very challenging case, but the PJ Strategy approach gave the needed impact”.

Maarten Schönfeld, Senior Enterprise Architect Hewlett-Packard, DKV - Academy Member 2016

”The key topic is strategic business skills to understand the challenges of companies and to bring in the methods needed”. ”Very insightful!”.

Marquerithe Verheul, Corporate Director Beko - Academy Member 2014

’As an experienced businessman Peter Olyslager has the ability to translate innovative strategies and insightful perspectives into pragmatic solutions and actions to improve results. Next to that he has specific capabilities to help companies with eroding results in highly competitive environments. Just enjoy his lectures like The McEnroe Innovation…’.

Drs. P Rooimans, Managing Director MYDATA Benelux, Russia and United Kingdom | Senior Vice President Strategy & Business Development Dipaul Technologies Russia

’During the Kemira worldwide strategy process Peter Olyslager showed a natural talent for out-of-the-box perspectives and strategies. He took the lead in the process with knowledge, creativity, but most of all a realistic view.’

Drs. M Korhonen, CSO Kemira

’Peter Olyslager did not only had a Key-Role in the Global Strategy Process, but mainly surprised us with his knowledge and innovative strategies.
Some perspectives were too much out-of-the-box for a big multinational, but gave us the necessary insights to find new directions and opportunities’.

Ir M Ronnback, Senior Vice President Kemira