Full house and interaction at the Master Class of the PJ Strategy Academy.
CEO’s and executives from many different industries were actively present during the Master Class.
What is the impact of strategic 3D thinking and acting? Why does this make sense?
What is the White Box? Does it then become clear why implementation is so difficult? And what can we do about it?
Wonderful afternoon with many discussions in the beautiful former Broadcasting Station.
Thanks to Arjan de Lange, partner, also for finding the authentic location, Jan-Willem Septer, partner and Arjan Klijn, partner. Thanks to everyone present for the wonderful contribution!!
Interested in the PJ Strategy Academy? Contact:
Arjan de Lange | arjandelange@pjstrategy.com or
Peter Olyslager | peterolyslager@pjstrategy.com
The next Academy starts in the second half of March!